Life is Like a Boat - Rie fu


A-水塔先生 、:

,Life is Like a Boat,人生如舟,我们都荡着命运的小舟行驶在这片大海上,虽然波浪一波一波地袭来,这次仍是美好而奇妙的旅行,每次都是美好而奇妙的旅行.

《Life is like a boat》是Rie fu演唱的一首单曲,也是动漫作品《死神》BLEACH的第一支ED,给许多死神迷留下深刻印象,许多人也由于这首曲就喜欢上了Rie fu这个声线独特的女孩子。

Rie fu的最大特点就是能将欧美音乐巧妙地融入日本音乐中,英日双语的歌词也是她的标志性特点之一。Life is like a boat就是英文和日文交错的曲子。

Nobody knows who I really am   

I never felt this empty before   

And if I ever need someone to come along   

Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong   

We are all rowing the boat of fate   

The waves keep on coming and we can't escape   

But if we ever get lost on our way   

The waves would guide you through another day
